Attendance Face Detect is probably among the easiest and most straightforward facial recognition software available in the industry. It's free to download and easy to use by any user, whether you are an advanced computer programmer or a total beginner. If you're looking for a simple face recognition attendance software, download the free trial version of Attendance Face Detect. This software will allow you to easily record and track all facial appearance history of your employees, students and many other subjects.
There are different reasons why companies want to use this software. Companies with large campuses can use this software to manage their students' schedule. With this software, they will have access to complete and accurate facial appearance history of each of their students. The students will only be given their schedules upon downloading and installing the attending software. The students will also be required to register with their personal details like name, email address, phone number, contact number etc before they can log in to their accounts.
Apart from controlling scheduling of attending students, this software also has the ability to track their attendance history. If a company has more than one department, then the attendance tracking software can be used to maintain the records of departments separately. Some of these programs can be downloaded at no cost at all while some can be purchased for a specific fee. You can always try a free version first and if it doesn't work, then try the paid version.